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Please drive/ride safely this holiday season...

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
This is a very powerful video montage produced by the TAC in Australia

Well now that was depressing.  Still a message everyone should be pounded with until the reality of how much suffering occurs is realized and the incidence of gets drastically reduced.
Great video. I does make you think!

They should make the new drivers have to watch this. Although it's a good reminder for everyone. I think the young kids that are just starting out might really benefit from actually seeing what can happen. I would show it to my daughter if she was just a little closer to the driving age!
SSmith_3184 said:
This is a very powerful video montage produced by the TAC in Australia


Hey now!  I'll drink to that!  HA! >:D

(at home and not driving that is!  C:)  )
It's sad that they're "too graphic" for American audiences.  They're sobering.  They should be shown.