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Powered tire changer/balancer'.


Anybody have thoughts? I've used tire changers/balancers before a few times, wondering about this set...if I wait for the next EBay deal, it could be gotten shipped for right about $1k. I would of course use these units on all my vehicles- I rarely run tires past 75-80% wear and I already have a couple tires ready to rotate onto the wife's CRV for the winter and a front for the C14. I figured maybe I could offer the tire changing service to area COG'ers too- it can be kinda expensive around here if your not doing them yourself.

It's Chinese so take your chances. I'd check on the importer/distributor for their business reputation. Don't forget it comes Without the motorcycle adaptor.
Yeah, I know the No-Mar is kinda the gold standard as far as non-powered changers are concerned, but I have experience with powered ones and I'd like to do all my own tire changes on my cars too...I'm not going to struggle with a No-Mar for my application, but I had given it a fair amount of consideration.
Read further down in the ebay post "motorcycle adapter in picture sold desperately". Not sure if that means just for the wheel balancer adapter.
  I bought a power changer at Greg Smith Equipment in Indianapolis a few years ago.  Price was around a thousand.  He also stocks parts for them.  His are a Atlas brand.  I have had very good luck with mine.  I think he will also ship.
Hi Rich, Just saw this post.  My friend down in northern NJ went in with another guy and purchased a Motorcycle tire changer from Derek Weaver Co. for approx. $1100.00.  He told me that they do not advertise but decided to charge $20.00 to mount a tire.  He told me that in less than a year the machine has paid for itself.  Maroney's Cycle down here told me that they use the beads for balancing as opposed to the weights.

Fred in Newburgh
Nice, yeah I have a guy from HillTop Cycle that charges $30 bucks, so not too bad, and he's a great guy so I mind even less, it's just that I'm also interested in my Car/Truck tires too....and I even just picked up a spare rear wheel for the C14, soooo, it kinda makes sense. I'd really like to find something on CraigsList, even a few hours drive would be fine to save a few hundreds...have you been riding much this season? I've been working like a dog with the new business, and therefore cutting heavily into my seat time these last few months. Ever get your valves adjusted?