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Product Warning


Fuel filter I bought this filter from JC Whitney and it clearly states it is glass. The one I got was clearly plastic. Here If you look close you can see the scratch at the bottom I did with a dull knife. Glass don't warp like that. http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/3801848302/ I decided to play nice with them and just get my money back but it did cause my bike to leak gas in my garage after the nationals and one other time. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
What are you talking about? Glass does warp like that... at somewhere between 900 and 2000 degrees Farenheit. Hopefully it was just an honest editing mistake and they'll correct it. Thanks for the heads up in the interim though.
Those little screen filters were my worst nightmare... May be apples and oranges but, here goes. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I ran an automotive "Speed Shop". All the street kids would buy Carter and Edelbrock AFB's and most would put one of these little screen filters like the one pictured in the link in the first post. If you want a nice looking way to see if you have fuel flow, they'll do nicely(If they don't melt). If you want a filter, they are only good for the big chunks. Those AFB's were super sensitive to dirty fuel. I've had to clean out hundreds of them that the customer claimed was a "bad carburator". With just a couple of exceptions, all of them had a very fine silt covering the bottom of the float bowl. Almost every one of them had the little screen filter too. On some of these cars we took the filter apart and found traces of this silt on both sides of the element. It just doesn't filter fine enough to keep the silt out. Any carb is sensitive to trash/dirt in the system only some are better at passing it on through than others. I personally do not relish taking the carb rack off my bike periodically to clean them out. I'd rather just keep riding. I advise against using these little things unless there is also a high micron filter also in line. My recommendation is a Wix, 2 line filter from a mid '80s Dodge v8 car or pickup. I don't have a part number handy. All metal enclosure that is relatively small and they are cheap, errrr, frugal. I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds, being new to the group, but I feel very strongly about this and if I ever see the insides of another one of those AFB's, well,,, it won't be pretty... ;p
I personally do not relish taking the carb rack off my bike periodically to clean them out. I'd rather just keep riding. ABSOLUTELY!!!!! "My recommendation is a Wix, 2 line filter from a mid '80s Dodge v8 car or pickup. I don't have a part number handy." A NAPA 3006 works for me, but if you can get that part number it'd be nice.
First off I was able to find the same filter in real glass from Mr. Gasket at an O Ryley auto parts. I am using this filter because I have no petcock screen anymore and needed something. This filter is finer then the petcock screen and flows through at a resonible rate for the low head pressure of this system. If you get me a part number for something that you think will work I will test it but most of the ultra fine filters restrict flow to much. I can't use the 3006 because I need inline with no bend and not that big around. Don't like the connections on them either. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
I think I am going to try one of these next time. http://www.amotostuff.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=862C&Category_Code=zg1000_maintenance 2003 Concours, 54K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
hey dave, i think it's tomorrow. where you at? hope you didn't see the inside of another one of those AFB's and lose your cool. ;)
quote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll have a part number tomorrow. Stay tuned. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think he's lost in that far, far away galaxy of his. ;p Let's just hope there's nothing more sinistre at work here. :8o:
Always remember this... Today is the Tomorrow you worried about Yesterday! Aging is scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker!