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Proposal for Garmin


Big Wheel
I want to be able to set the blue tooth on my Zumo to beep my helmet when I'm going more than a certain amount over the speed limit. The GPS knows the speed limit and the speed you are going so a little software coding and we should be able to have this function. I find that while highway riding, I tend to creep up in speed. Am I the only one who would appreciate this function?
Are you suggesting a setting for a certain percentage over the limit, let it remind you? Say a user definable setting 'X'% over? That would be cool and not just for blue tooth. Car nav systems would also benefit. It's more representative of the reality of how people drive. It could be marketed as a "safety feature". PS: The GPS does NOT know how fast you are permitted to go on every road. I have a Garmin 225w that actually only knows about 40-50% of the posted speed limits. The rest of the time its blank. How can we, as customers, help improve that? Is there a place to submit coordinates and the respective posted speed limits? It works great on highways but not back roads. I wouldn't want to get lulled into a false sense of security only to have it be blank and I'm tooling down the road... "uh...oh hello officer..." Aging is scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker!
I like the idea, but they will just say that is what your cruise control is for. <G> Gerry, I have a Garmin 2470 (I think) and it has the posted speed limit on it most of the time. Perhaps you need to do an update on your software? Ronnie ...
TomTom has that feature already. If it knows the speed limit for the road that you are on it beeps every time you exceed it by 5 mph or something like that but if you sustain speeds above the threshold it just shuts up and keeps displaying the speed limit in red rather than white.
I have updated it. It doesn't have many of the speed limits around here in CT. Especially the secondary roads where I tend to ride. :-( Aging is scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker!