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Rear Spline Lubrication Access


Some time ago one of our long standing members reported on a way of lubing the splines on a ZG1000 without removing the drive shaft. As i remember he took off the rear drive unit, removed the circlip holding the spline coupling unit, removed the coupling unit and then lubed the splines. I am trying to trace the article. A search did not turn it up (as soon as i tried to do a dedicated COG search it wanted to download an application that my computer did not like). Can anyone direct me and or tell me if a new O-ring is required and how difficult it is to re-assemble since the coupling unit is way up in the swing arm. Thanks
Howdy James; I lube the splines on my bike when the rear wheel is off for tire replacement. It's a simple job then, just 4 bolts to pull off the final drive. I just paste in a bunch of grease with a flat screwdriver all over the visible portion of the splines and call it good. There's typically a bit of oil leaking from the final drive which works its way up into the splines which helps out as well. Any others have ideas out there?
Brooke your description sounds like the splines at the rear drive housing. I too do it when changing the rear tire. And its as you describe, only 4 bolts, etc. When I read his request, it really sounds like splines at the front of the driveshaft and the bevel drive. Maybe I am confused. But if its just the rear splines, then yeah thats it. No need to remove the driveshaft or anything. 2003 Concours, 61K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
If you look at the drive-shaft picture (See page 10-14 0f the Kawasaki Manual.) there are a set of splines on the end (opposite they UJ end) that fit into the top of propeller shaft joint (see also See page 10-14 0f the Kawasaki Manual.). The propellor shaft joint appears to be held in place by a washer and circlip onto the splined end of the driveshaft. This is the set of splines I am trying to lube since the washer in the propeller shaft joint appears to inhibit any grease getting onto these splines. Further, if my memory is correct, this was one of the few parts of the Concours (along with the front wheel bearing and fork seals) that could fail (because it didn't get serviced). If I understand you correctly you are referring to the male splines on the drive-shaft unit then fit into the downstream end of the the propeller shaft joint. Bit of personal background. I used to be a very active Concourse Rider and follower of the forums back in 2000 to 2003. Sold my Concours to get a Harley and then got a chance to buy back my 2000. I am now in the process of "refurbishing" it. So i have a sort of "Corporate Memory" but am lacking the details.