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Removing engine brace that is red loctited in


Ok so I am going to change my engine mount this week to replace the one that has the broken bolt in it,  however when I reinstalled the frame brace, I red loctited the rear bolt...  am I going to be able to get this bolt out with a good ratchet or should I not even bother and just get a torch and heat it up?? (It's the right side rear bolt on the frame brace)  Or would an impact gun be a viable alternative (Thinking that impact may bust the loctite loose)

I just don't want to bust another bolt off

Thanks in advance
Using the impact may break the bolt head loose. Those are not the best quality bolts on there. As you have already found out.    ;)
If you used 271 (red) threadlocker definately use heat.  I think I read that somewhere that heating to the 300 degree range will allow the fastener to be removed.  I would try to find the actual spec though.  I might not be remembering right.
Yeah, I think just to be safe I will use heat (and chase the threads with a tap before installing the new bolt)

Now I have to figure out how to get the heat ONLY in the spot I want it... :(
Heat will act to release most threadlock agents. I believe Loctite tells you to heat it to around 400 degrees.

For future reference, I never use high strength thread lock. Medium strength is good enough for almost all applications, and is easier to remove. Also, don't go by color of the threadlock, because red for one brand may be HIGH and for another brand it may be medium. You have to read the label.
Mad River Marc said:
Thanks Mark,  Hopefully Harbor Freight has something like that :)
They do, but the flame control on their cheapo unit is for chit.
But full on is probably what you need and it's OK for that.
Mad River Marc said:
Thanks Mark,  Hopefully Harbor Freight has something like that :)

If this is what you used : http://www.loctiteproducts.com/p/t_lkr_red/overview/Loctite-Threadlocker-Red-271.htm, then either of these should work for your task:

271 requires 500F to remove, and both of those claim they can deliver 2000F.

I carry one of the pencil torches with my sled tools, to remove some tiny Allen head clutch weight set screws that require 271 thread locker.  It does the job very well.  It would probably help with removing the broken bolt as well.