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Replacement Saddlebag

I had my left saddlebag fall off my 08 C14 last week...didn't find it until hours later...in a million pieces. Anyone know of an alternative to buying the replacement for $700?
Had the recall mod to the latch been done to it? Did you get it at a dealer used or new? If so and the recall mod had not been done then I see it as dealers fault. If you got it new and did not know about the recall then kaw "might" replace it. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
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I think they set those prices that way because they know the vast majority of such purchases will be made by insurance companies. (Just conspiracy theory though).
I bought the bike new. I found out after the incident that there had been a recall. But the work had been done before I bought the bike. Thanks for the tip.
<i> I think they set those prices that way because they know the vast majority of such purchases will be made by insurance companies. (Just conspiracy theory though). </i> I wonder how many individuals have been scared of by that kind of pricing.
ktmkidusa said:
Lost my right side bag.  If I replace the bag how do I get the right lock to match what I have now?

Maybe a locksmith can re-key it. As far as I know, other than that it's buy all new matching locks.
scrape said:
A good locksmith can move the old lock to the new bag without rekeying and drilling out the rivets from the original mechanism.  Find a locksmith whom specializes in Harley locks and he will know how to do it (that was the only hint my locksmith told me).  I had my original bag lock key transferred to a new bag lock module.  Therefore retaining tha single key needed for all the locks on the bike.  It can be done, problem is my locksmith would not give me the secret.  He did not rekey it either.

He said he lost the bag. That probably means that he doesn't have the old lock. If he does, it's fairly easy to change it from one bag to another.
he said he found it in a million pieces...  hopefully the lock mechanism was one of them..  :eek:

Cap'n Bob said:
scrape said:
A good locksmith can move the old lock to the new bag without rekeying and drilling out the rivets from the original mechanism.  Find a locksmith whom specializes in Harley locks and he will know how to do it (that was the only hint my locksmith told me).  I had my original bag lock key transferred to a new bag lock module.  Therefore retaining tha single key needed for all the locks on the bike.  It can be done, problem is my locksmith would not give me the secret.  He did not rekey it either.

He said he lost the bag. That probably means that he doesn't have the old lock. If he does, it's fairly easy to change it from one bag to another.
It will take a locksmith all of about 5 seconds to remove the lock from the bag.  A little longer to change the wafers to fit your existing key.  A couple of bucks and 10 minutes of time.