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Replacing Headlight Lamp


The low beam went out on my '99 Connie, and I found this video through a quick Google search. The video is about twice as long as needed, but I found it very helpful. I picked up the replacement and installed it last night. Total time to remove the faring, pull the old bulb, replace it with the new one and replace the faring was about 15 mins. This was a very easy job. Thanks to the person who made the video, and I thought it might be helpful to post here too. Headlight Lamp Replacement Video
There is a full set of maintenance videos for my Honda cage free online. Would be great to have ones for both bikes soon. May get easier to make with all the cheap recorders out now. Photos[/url]
A short while ago, I replaced the headlamp bulb on my '05 Connie without removing any screw or plastic, just turning the handlebars out of the way. Not easy to reinstall the rubber boot, but I did it ! Maybe at home it's easier with the fairing pocket off, but it can be done without removing it.
I always thought that the way Raymond does it is the way everybody does it. Save ten minutes by not taking any plastic off.
Also -- as you all know, you're not supposed to touch the glass of the lamp (the 'envelope') with bare hands. Oil from your fingers gets stuck on the lamp and then that part of the lamp burns hotter and eventually that's where the glass will fail. Easy fix -- use latex gloves. Its a hell of a lot easier than trying not to touch the glass at all.
No need to remove the fairing pocket as you can reach up from over the top of the front fender and do this by sight of hand! 1. Pull off the bulb connector (plastic three wire connector) 2. Pull down and back on the rubber weather cover and remove 3. Feel for the spring clip press it in then pull it down and backwards to release. It is hinged) 4. Remove bulb 5. Replace bulb with three tabs in a 12 5 and 7 o'clock position (making sure you do not touch the bulb) 6. Swing spring clip over the backside of the new bulb and press down and forward to catch under its keeper 7. Replace rubber weather cover with "tab" down at 6 o'clock and run fingers over perimeter of cover to "seat" it in place 8. Re-connect bulb connection and fire it up You are done. This shouldn't take more than a couple minutes with some practice. This is something that everyone should be able to do without too much difficulty AND should know how to do BEFORE you really have to do it! Practice make perfect! AKA "2linby" That's 2-lin-by folks! Northwest Area Director COG #5539 AMA #927779 IBA #15034 TEAM OREGON MC Instructor 133K and counting! http://community.webshots.com/user/2linby http://tinyurl.com/njas8 (IBA BunBurner Gold Trip) http://tinyurl.com/lwelx (Alaska trip)
Great find on the video. Some folks can do it by touch, and others need to get in there an see what is going on. Good thing there is more than one way to skin a cat. -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.