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Rider Perception Challenge

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
There are two different Challenges - Give them a try. http://www.msf-usa.org/riderperception/ -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Those were both very good tests. I like the second one - lots to see. Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
I did them @ slow speed. It must make a difference because I got 20/20 on both tests. I'm just not that bright! :p Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 2008 C14 & 2003 Mean Streak
Thanks for posting these Steve, very interesting and valuable. It's like taking a quick refresher on things to be mindful that are so easy to forget when you commute day in and day out like I do. BTW, 19/20 on both at medium speed. :) John Ashton Ft. Worth, TX COG 6513 AMA 1078826 05 Concours
WTF is a reverse curve?!! 17-20 on the first 15-20 on the perceptions. Some of those didn't mesh with my driving style. I really don't worry about pedestrians crossing the road if I don't see any. http://millerized.com/pegs I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g
17 out of 20 on the collision traps test, strange thing in a few of them I saw multiple things that I would have been trying to watch for.
Still works fine for me Brett. It may be your browser does not support the page. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
did both tests at all three speeds. my best scores were on fast for both signs and traps. 20/20 on the signs and 17/20 on the traps. one of the traps i got wrong had a little white car turning in front of me. the view they give you isn't very realistic. i know i would have been able to see over the top of the car and had i been able to in the test i would have probably got that one right. great test though, thanks steve!
Well, I got 20/20 on the signs test which just shows to go I can still read American hieroglyphics.  However, I probably died in the colision traps test at 15/20.  Guess I'll have to hunt down Steve Smith early next year. :)

PS  Glad Tim bumped this.  Interesting test I didn't know was there.  Thx.
Cool stuff, I got 17/20 on both tests @ medium speed the first time. Improved on both with additional tries. I'm with Millerized, reverse curves? Never heard the term, it must be a regional thing which led (in my case) to a lower initial score.
Thanks for the post. It was a good test. The trap test is excellent. 20/20 on both here. I commute every day so I see most of them and worse.
Got 20 of 20 on signs at both fast and medium, 18 of 20 on medium for the collision traps.  Didn't try it on high... but...  I figure even 18 ain't good enough at the end of the day.  We need a 20 out of 20 at any speed.
I just did it again... got a 20 on the signs on fast and a TWELVE (12) on traps on MEDIUM.  I'd better stay off a bike today.  Whoa!
Interesting tests. I think these would be good to use at MSF classes. I have taken the experienced rider course 3 times, and have never had it presented.  Good to get you thinking.  I did both at medium and got 16 out of 20 on the signs and 20/20 on the traps.  I got tripped mainly by the school signs.....so lookout kids!
2Fast said:
Interesting tests. I think these would be good to use at MSF classes. I have taken the experienced rider course 3 times, and have never had it presented.  Good to get you thinking.  I did both at medium and got 16 out of 20 on the signs and 20/20 on the traps.  I got tripped mainly by the school signs.....so lookout kids!

They are part of the new ARC-ST course and Street Smarts seminar module.
17 out of 20 on collison. But those are are old pictures of Vegas. I drive it everyday during my local deliveries and it is far worse now then when it was when those were taken.
This was a fantastic refresher. Everyone should take this one if only to reboot the brain.
Medium speed Signs 20/20
Medium speed Collision 17/20
The sign portion of this challenge was kinda fun and a couple of them made you think.  Now the collision traps portion is wrong in so many ways.  Why would any rider in their right mind ride over a 8-10 inch curb to the left towards oncoming traffic.  I am sorry but the MSF did so many riders wrong with the entire traps portion.  As a everyday MC rider at work and in my off time the majority of the issues were better solved with controlled braking.