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Riding near Lexington KY in early April.


Rain Magnet
Question to the COGdom:

I have the opportunity to attend a conference for work during the first week of April in Lexington KY.  Just to explain, I would like to ride the bike, and the roads on the map look increible, but I am concerned that the first week of April may have less than desireable weather.

Here in Kansas, April 1st is very precarious for M/C weather.

I am sure that my employer would me rather consider the technical benefits of the conference, where I am considering that if the weather and riding isn't very good, why would I want to go??
You should be OK the first week of April in Lexington, KY. I have been here about 5 years (A transplant from Syracuse, NY) and start riding regularly in mid March. Spring is awesome in the bluegrass, It's my favorite time of year.  The Thoroughbred's run at Keeneland from the 2nd week of April till the end of the month. It may be a bit cool but you should be fine. There are some great roads in the area. Give me a shout a few weeks before your trip with your schedule and I'll show you the sights.


Thanks for the update....  I am torn, I have a bunch of committments in April, and I am trying to figure out which ones I will try and meet.

I will let you know, but right now, I am planning on bringing the connie out, and skipping moonshine this year...

  That sounds great. There are some really cool places to eat as well if you are interested. One has true southern cooking dishes, the other  one will make you think you are in New Orleans and a third is the best sushi in town. All under $10.  You can reach me at 315-271-6576.
