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Right Hand Mirror Needed


Looking for a Right Hand mirror for my 2000. The nut inside the case came off on theway down to the Rally. It was flopping around on the highway so I grabbed it and it came off in my hand! Put it in my jacket and had to cut her open to put it back on. Let me know if anyone has one they would like to sell. Thanks, Tom Kerrigan Tom Kerrigan 2000 C10 COG# 8497 AMA Member
You can repair the one you have easily if the knuckle inside is not broken. What year is your connie? If you decide to replace I would be interested in acquiring the one you have as I need one too. Jack Ferguson
Hi Jack, The mirror is junk. I ended up cutting a square hole in the back to be able to re-attach it to the bellows (the nut in the mirror came off). Before we cut it open, we tried to seperate the front and ended up cracking the mirror. I found one on Ebay and hopefully will win it. Tom Tom Kerrigan 2000 C10 COG# 8497 AMA Member