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Roadcrafter R3


Well I finally did it and ordered a Roadcrafter R3 one piece suit. Aerostich said I can use it for 30 days and still return it for a full refund. I have been using Klim happily for the past 60k in all sorts of weather however I really wanted something with easy on/off for my frequent trips around town. I'll update in a few weeks with my opinion on this matter but I'm always excited when a motorcycle related package is heading to my doorstep.
antibus said:
Well I finally did it and ordered a Roadcrafter R3 one piece suit. Aerostich said I can use it for 30 days and still return it for a full refund. I have been using Klim happily for the past 60k in all sorts of weather however I really wanted something with easy on/off for my frequent trips around town. I'll update in a few weeks with my opinion on this matter but I'm always excited when a motorcycle related package is heading to my doorstep.

Thanks antibus.
                        I get really excited too when a motorcycle package is headed my way. Maybe a little too excited because now I can't wait for you to get your motorcycle package too! I just loves me motorcycle packages :rotflmao:

antibus is cool  :great: :great: :great:
I'm on my third Roadcrafter (two piece) and as you can tell I'm sold on em.  I like the two piece so I can wear the jacket when enjoying parking lot shenanigans in the cooler climes.  One caveat...they can be toasty when the mercury gets Into the mid to high 80s in traffic.  I think you'll be pleased. :great:
I ordered one a couple weeks ago, after a long time debating and reading reviews. (Having a 10% off coupon as a  result of a little customer service issue helped make the decision.) Was a little surprised at the wait time--10 to 12 weeks! But...I've waited this long already, and it's not like I don't have other gear. And, really, I could have gotten one right away if I'd been willing to settle on the color (I guess gray with high-viz is the most popular).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to finding out whether I like it. 
I ordered mine last winter and so glad I did.  Best suit I've ever had and I've been riding 35+ years.  Should have done it sooner.
I got mine today, several weeks earlier than forecast. Haven't ridden with it yet, but so far I'm happy...seems like a seriously high-quality piece of gear. It's not quite as easy to get in and out of as I'd like (I find it sort of awkward to get the left leg zipper past the knee), but I suppose that'll improve with practice, and as the suit limbers up.

I do think it's a bit ridiculous that back and hip armor isn't included at this price point, but I knew that going in, so...
30 day review. I have a few thousand miles on this suit now and have decided to keep it. Using the on line sizing guide and talking with the Aerostich folks on the phone the size I ordered does not need to be altered and fits wonderfuly. Thus far I have ridden in temps from 32 - 78 and endured the PNW rain. The quality of manufacturing is impressive and it is not hard to see why people report many years of service from these garments. With practice the suit is easy to get into and out of and those quick errands are much easier. Even with the back pad in the suit is easily rolled up and placed in my side bag. I can ride to a meeting and only my boots betray my transportation choice to a discerning eye. Movement while riding is smooth and without restriction and all the finer details like pocket location and magnets to hold the collar open on warm days seem well placed and thought out. To give perspective, I normally ride in KLIM Lattitude and now find the R3 my go to although I have no experience with warmer weather so time will tell.
Good Post.

I purchased an R3 suit last year, kept it for 2 months, then sent it back.
I just could NOT decide if I liked it well enough to keep it.  Oddly, I'd wanted one of these suits for many many years.
I think what changed my mind, was the one piece aspect: I just couldn't see myself being comfortable in it.  Pure personal preference.
The convenience of one big long zipper was overshadowed by feeling like I was wearing
a big BAG, and couldn't get out when I wanted.
My own issue, I get that. But I think I prefer the flexibility of a 2 piece suit.

I'm rethinking my approach now.
Aerostich suits are proven pieces and I can attest to their fantastic customer service.
I strongly encourage support of a US based company, but ultimately, I'll choose a product based on MY needs and preferences.
I'm still considering a KLIM 2 piece set, or Aero.

It's great to have options!

as Terry noted above, and I will second the motion, the 2 piece Roadcrafter is the way to go if buying a Stich, it allows for better customization in sizing and adders, allows you better options on how you vent or seal up, offers the option for individualnusage of each componenet, and when the top and bottom are connected is actually easier to get on and off than the one piece.
if mine ever wears out, I'll buy another just like it, but after 13 years and 100k+ miles, I don't forsee having to buy another one soon....
when you average it all out on a cost per year to own one, it can't be beat, I actually ended up spending that much on gloves and footwear..

I base this on my Roadcrafter Classic, which customized cost me $950 when I bought it, I have no comparo to the R3 having not seen or tried one.

try a 2 piecer, you may find it more suitable.  pun intended  :rotflmao: :great: