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Robert Holder could use our Help and prayers.


Robert Holder is suffering some medical complications following a head injury after a vehicle accident (not motorcycle related).
Robert is pictured on the right in the photo below with Jeff Kerkow.

His family has requested prayers and have set up a Go Fund Me page for him and his care.



  • Robert COG 2021.jpg
    Robert COG 2021.jpg
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Robert is a Constable in Wharton County and as such was doing one of the things Constables do... sitting for long hours around construction areas with his unit and flashing strobes. While parked on this duty, he was struck from behind at highway speed by another motorist. His truck was destroyed and he was injured. In the past couple of weeks since the incident he has had a couple of TIAs and now two full strokes. Please keep him and his family in your prayers and, if you are able and inclined, contribute to his gofundme page.
Roberts truck....

::sigh:: The vehicle that hit him was carrying a LOT of energy to do that to his stationary pickup truck. OMG another cager with their "smart" phone in-hand no doubt.

Prayers going out for Robert and his family, as well as his community of LEOs who undoubtedly will have this adding stress to whatever duty post they get assigned to every day.
There were a couple news releases on it, and im terrible a pasting. Google wharton county Texas constable.crash.

1 version said woman who hit Robert was distracted on her cell phone according to witnesses yet another said tje driver of the vehicle was a male...
Thought of him all weekend, especially driving past a crash with no less than 5 police, 2 fire trucks and a tow doing their best to block lanes so protect responders and cars still going past at 80mph.

I will continue to think of him and his family.
I got some word about Robert today, was concerned, and called his son /Josh to get an update.
I asked, and Josh said I could share info with the COGdom.

Josh said that Robert got out of the hospital (approx.) 2 weeks ago.
Was feeling fine but not 100%.
Felt good enough that he was able to drive.
Sometime later he started having problems.
Those problems got increasing worse and became severe. So, he ended up back in the hospital.
Turned out that the issues he was having were from a series of strokes (or something similar).
At the hospital they did surgery, the problem was fixed, and he's now recovering (again) at the hospital.

Important; This recovery is slow and he's not back to 100% yet, but he's definitely doing better. (y)(y)

Ride safe, Ted
Do we have a COG fund to send flowers, …er, a quart of freshly used T6 and a basket of old gaskets, a worn tire, and some burnt out fuses to brighten up his room? I’ve heard that sights and smells help speed up the recovery. 🏍️
The body is an amazing thing and the properties it has to heal itself will astound you. Time will tell and the support he gets in this process will further his healing. Be patient, send him notes but almost as important remember and help those who help him and those he relies on day to day during this period, the people and his family in the background.
Robert was moved to TIRR on Tuesday to start his rehab. after being in Neuro ICU for 2 1/2 weeks.
I saw a video of him walking yesterday. It was great to see him up on his own, but still has a long way to go
after suffering two strokes following the traffic accident mentioned in a previous post.
Please keep Robert, his Fiancé and his family in your thoughts and prayers, all are greatly appreciated and seem
to be working.
Robert was moved to TIRR on Tuesday to start his rehab. after being in Neuro ICU for 2 1/2 weeks.
I saw a video of him walking yesterday. It was great to see him up on his own, but still has a long way to go
after suffering two strokes following the traffic accident mentioned in a previous post.
Please keep Robert, his Fiancé and his family in your thoughts and prayers, all are greatly appreciated and seem
to be working.
Thanks for the update. Continued prayers for Robert!
Thanks for the continuous updates Doug. Very kind of you to share news and forward all our thoughts and prayers back his way. Well done amigo!
Thats great news!!

Robert, if ur reading these, soldier on brother. Its gonna be a tough climb, but you WILL do it.
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Doug. Any further updates on Robert?
Robert is doing well.
Doug is progressing in phys. therapy too, although he is getting some sciatica problems ("Doctor fm" thinks it's because of the crutches causing spinal mis-alignment).
The three of us will be driving from Texas to Iowa and back this weekend to bring Doug's bike back home.

EDIT: Trip completed, we left Texas on Friday and went up to Iowa and brought the bike back to Doug's house Sunday afternoon. Stick
3 COGgers in a truck with some A/C, good music, some Trivial Pursuit cards, and stop at some good restaurants and it's almost as good
as a motorcycle trip. (OK, that last part of the sentence was a fib/lie, but we all did enjoy the trip and had no problems along the way on a busy holiday weekend and still returned home in time to put out the flag for the holiday. (y) 🇺🇲)


(Yes, Doug and I both feel sorry for Robert, poor guy has to go through life carrying that full head of hair around everywhere he goes.😢)
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With the national rally right around the corner, has anyone been in contact with Robert. He has been pretty regular at these.
I see or talk to Robert regularly.I know he is not going to make this years Rally. We have ridden a little lately. He actually got the C14 out of the barn for couple hours kolache ride a month or so ago.
Doug Meister
I see or talk to Robert regularly.I know he is not going to make this years Rally. We have ridden a little lately. He actually got the C14 out of the barn for couple hours kolache ride a month or so ago.
Doug Meister
HOT DAM!! That's great to hear. I had sent him a pm after bumping this thread. Don't know if he's still a member or not, but wanted him to know we're still here. After all we joined for the bike and stay for the people...
HOT DAM!! That's great to hear. I had sent him a pm after bumping this thread. Don't know if he's still a member or not, but wanted him to know we're still here. After all we joined for the bike and stay for the people...
I will pass that along. We are meeting for breakfast tomorrow. I do not know if Robert reads the forum, but he will see this Saturday
I will pass that along. We are meeting for breakfast tomorrow. I do not know if Robert reads the forum, but he will see this Saturday
He got back to my pm.. glad he's doing well, and unfortunately he said he won't be making yhis years national.