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Roland and Dan's 4 Pass Blast


COG 2877
Roland called last night and we agreed to ride over Snoqualmie. The ride with Roland today started with meeting him at the Pancake House at Snowqualmie. After getting the Gerbings jacket connector fixed at their store in Tumwater yesterday and buying a short y cord to use one of the female coax connectors to install on the fixed heat troller on the Connie I did not have heat! Turned out the new coil extension I bought was faulty. I was able to connect without it tho making it a 'short leash' ... no standing to stretch legs. So a somewhat cold ride to the summit. Breakfast was good and I chose the brat/eggs/pancake special. Warmed up a bit soon over the top. Three revenuer agents were stopped with their respective targets just past the Thorpe Hwy ramp. 1 mile later another came upon us heading west and painted us with instant on. We were doing a bit over. Stoppped on Canyon Rd at the edge of Ellens for fuel. Made a careful trip along the Yakima River to Selah not wanting to assist the county revenuers. Then back road to Natches. Decide on hwy 12 as not sure about the 410 detour around the massive mudslide near Nile. 12 had a near 30 mi wait for construction of a new bridge. Up and over White Pass for #2. Light traffic made for a spirited but not fast ride on the west side of 12. Turned off to head north on WA 123 and top of Cayuse Pass for #3 where there was scattered snow up to edges of road.. Roland said 'shall we do a short ride to bag Chinook for a 4 pass day?" Sure I said, it is only 2:20 PM A quick photo for pass #4. Wandered down the mtn and a car flashed lights as a park ranger was hiding and painted us as we passed. 410 had some rough spots on the road. Turned off 410 onto Cumberland Road and then west on Kent-Kangley. Ended up at the monthly VME meet at Goldies Tavern in Georgetown. Not a lot of bikes showed up. Cold months are like that. I chose the pot roast dinner and it was good on a cold riding day of 400 mi total. Zipped south on I-5/405/167/410/ Sumner/Orting Rd to Grahamcrackerville.
Way to go Dan; Wish the CFO and I could have joined you guys but the salt-mine is keeping us both busy, and we only have one serviceable ride :(
Made a careful trip along the Yakima River to Selah not wanting to assist the county revenuers.
Don't remind me that's where we both got performance awards this spring on the way to the Bun Cooler! :( Cheers Colin Prior COG IT Director Lake Forest Park WA COG#7767 AMA#1081764 ROK#20000617
Good for you....you guys are awesome! :gasp: Now that's what I call a real "Bun Cooler"!!! :eg: We had 60mph gusts of wind all day up here in Vancouver, BC. Not exactly ideal riding conditions, to say the least. :gasp:
Here is a link for the pics at Chinook Pass on hwy 410. As we did ride over a small bit of snow in the lot decided it warranted the ADV salute. http://community.webshots.com/album/575410703WLBxFK