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Run With The Wolf Rally


Street Cruiser
The NEW revised registration for the 15th annual Run With The Wolf rally is online under the South East calendar. The rally will be quite different this year, so check out the online registration. If you plan on attending, DO sign up online. If you want a commemorative T-shirt of the event, you must order it when you register. No extras will be ordered, so order it before March 22 as I will turn in the order within a few days afterward. Thanks and hope to see you there. tcars John
Using the calendar I see that it is Apr 24th weekend. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
I talked with several people in Suches earlier this week and there are some changes. High Valley now has two bunk houses, each with 5 bunk beds. I didn't get a price but you can call High Valley for the rates and info. There is change in ownership (Jerry Gilwreath) and operation of the corner general store. Contrary to what you may have heard they are MC friendly and will have some extras for breakfast on Saturday morning. Also I was told that there were very FEW who had reserved a place for the rally, meaning the bunk houses are available along with several cabins. So get your choice reserved soon. C U there! tcars John tcars, John, Rallymaster 2009
Not much activity on this topic. Anybody attending besides me? I was going to try to reserve one of the new bunks but I'd prefer to share a cabin again like i've done the past couple of years. Hope to see ya there! Bobby
Well that's all we need Jim. We're good to go!! I better get a bunk then cause I know you guys will be campin. (and sippin on beverages). Bobby
Hey Al, Which of the bunks were you talking about? Sorry, I haven't called up there yet to see what's available. One of the earlier messages mentioned a new bunkhouse at High Valley with 5 beds. I assume I can get one of those without a buddy usually pretty cheaply. That is my fallback plan. However, I prefer a cabin with a bathroom/kitchen but those are usually too pricey without some buddies. I'm not sure which you are talking about sharing so let me know. Thanks, Bobby
There is still one large cabin available. It sleeps 5/6 men comfortably (1 King, 2 Doubles, 2 Twins). It costs $ 526 for 3 nights. If we can get 6 it will be $29.22 per person per night ($87.67 total). With 5 people it goes up to 35.07 per person per night ($105.20). Al Norcross and I are look for 3 or 4 additional folks interested in sharing this cabin for the 3 nights (Thu, Fri, Sat). If your interested write back or call me at 478-396-4556. Don't wait too long. The place is filling up and this cabin won't last much longer. Several cabins and bunks are already taken by non-RWTW folks. Bye the way. The cabin does have 2 bedrooms (with doors) and a sleeping loft so we could take a couple and you'll get your own bedroom (with your own bathroom). See the pictures at http://www.highvalleyresort.com/piper.htm Thanks, Bobby Cassell
Ok, we're filled up with 6 Coggers staying in the Cub instead of the Piper. It'll be a little tight but we'll be dry and warm with a kitchen and 2 bathrooms of our own. I see you all there on Thursday! Thanks, Bobby
Hi All, Things have changed a little. Lucia called and offered to let us move over from the Cub to the Piper so I agreed to move. The Piper is bigger and gives us a bit more room. It also opens up the cabin to one or two more folks so if anyone is looking, give me a call. She said every thing is completedly filled up now. Starting to count the days. I'm ready for some good riding and good friends having good times. See ya there.. Bobby 478-396-4556