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seasonal reminder


Crotch Rocket
Went for the first ride in several weeks today.  Temp in the 50s and dry after the light snow we got the night before melted off.  Nice 150+ miles with a stop at a new to me eatery.  Only got lost physically once.
Now the wake up call.  When leaving our small community, I noticed a large dose of the "ANTI-TRACTION" sand at the intersection to the highway and thought to myself, remind "son about being careful at intersections" .
I totally forgot my own warning and, being lost mentally from the great ride, came in a little hot.  I did wake up in time to scrub off the excess speed and made the turn with inches to spare. 
I have rode about a 1/2 dozen times so far this year, and we had a good rain, but then the next week it snowed again, and they had to put out more sand... 

I am really hoping for a hard gullywasher to clean off the streets, It does get very scary around the intersections in this part of the world.
Good advise about watching for sand.  As many of us are just now getting back on two wheels after the winter lay-off, we need to remember that the winter has likely not been kind to the road surfaces and that some of the cage operators are completely oblivious to our existence.  Now is the time to practice emergency maneuvers (swerving and emergency stopping). Practice them at slow speeds to build the muscle memory.  Waiting until it's a "NO KIDDING, MAX EFFORT Stop" is too late. PRACTICE now so you can use it later.