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Shifter notchiness / sticking?

Pa rider

Big Wheel
Has anyone experienced a balky shifter? As a recent new owner of a C-14, with only a little over 2500 miles before the snow season hit, there have been a few times that I have run it through the gears, or attempted to, having the shifter stick not returning to the regular position after an upshift. Any points to look at from those out there?
Hello, Notchy shifting unless experienced 1st hand is hard to diagnosis over the net but a few thoughts anyways, since its still winter in Ma. with salt, sand, snow and ice on the road I
What viscosity and brand oil are you using? The best oil I know of to improve shifting is Mobil One's motorcycle 4T oil. Though be prepared to pay around $9 a quart for it.
The shifting condition you're reporting is not normal and you should go back to your dealer and have them check it out. I've got a 2009 C14 with under 6K miles and the transmission shifts very smooth, right out of box. One thing you can check is the Clutch fluid reservoir to make sure that the fluid is at the correct level, and that the quality of fluid is clear indicating that it is not contaminated. If the fluid is low, add to the correct level, if the fluid is gray in color, then it is contaminated with moisture so it will need to be flushed out and bled. Poor or low clutch fluid will cause notchy shifting. Good luck Kevin
I agree, not normal and should be taken back to the dealer. We get the occasional first gear clunk, but the transmission is very good. I can comfortably and easily go up the gears without using the clutch at all.
I had a problem getting use to the hydraulic clutch which cause my shifting to be a little ruff at first. The problem was not the bike but me. Once I learn the proper operation of the clutch the problem went away. As Fred stated changing to Mobile One syn will make the shifting even smoother.
First of all thanks for all the inputs, I will check out the trans oil recommendations and see it helps. Maybe I didn't relate the problem accurately either. I am a drag racer by nature, and the particular problem I am having is with the shifter lever staying "up" when I shift into second gear at the upper rpm levels, it does not drop back into the neutral position to be ready to grab the next gear. When I first started this hobby, (on a 1976 KZ 900) they had what was referred to as an "overshift" bushing that went onto the mechanism internally, which prevented an overshift of the gear selector, with very similar results to what I have experienced here. Does that change anyone's input? Kevin~ p.s. also, I've noticed that some members have the state maps where you can highlight the state's you've visited, how does one do that?
If your shifter pedal is sticking up, the problem may be in the shifter mechanism itself. It may simply need a little lubrication or adjustment. The shifter pawl mechanism has a spring on it that is responsible for the shifter pedal returning to the center position. If the shift lever mechanism is binding, that would cause this problem. If it were my bike, I would remove, inspect, and lubricate the shifter.