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Sierra Sidewinder 2025 heads to Walker in mid-August


After last year’s fantastic foray to Feather River at the northern end of Sierra, COG’s Sierra Sidewinder ride is headed back south to the highest passes and some of the twistiest roads the mountain range has to offer.
We’ve booked out the rider-favorite Andruss Motel in Walker for the weekend, so we’ll be riding laps through the passes from the eastern side and back (which everyone can appreciate because the sun is at your back in both directions). Of course this also means we’ll be hitting up another favorite stop — Mountain View Barbeque in Walker.
Dates for the ride are Friday-Sunday, Aug. 15-17. Andruss Motel is holding all there rooms for our group on Friday and Saturday night. Don’t wait too long to book as in past years our group has taken all the rooms and we even some spill over to the motel across the street (also nice, but less COG exclusive). Andruss Motel is giving us a discounted cash rate of $120 a night for any room. They have a mix of ones with one bed, two beds, etc.., all the same price for us. Book your room by calling them direct at 530-495-2216 and tell them you’re with COG motorcycle group.
We’re still looking at ride options, but you can expect this year’s Sierra Sidewinder will have us riding 89 over Monitor Pass, Hwy 4 over Ebbetts Pass, 108 over Sonora Pass, and probably a few optional side trips around the June Lake Loop or down the gravel road to Bodie Ghost Town for the really adventurous.
For riders coming up from SoCal and wanting to get a head start on Friday’s ride, some of us will be staying Thursday night, Aug. 14 at Fairfield Inn & Suites in Kingsburg on Hwy 99 south of Fresno. Make your own reservation direct or online. No COG arrangement on this one but room are in the $120-$130 range and it puts us in striking distance of Corsaro’s Family Pizza for dinner, Kady’s Kitchen for breakfast (for those that aren’t satisfied with a free hotel breakfast), and an early start into Yosemite and a trans-Sierra ride over Tioga Pass.
More details to come, but you can register now on the Event page.IMG_7459.jpegIMG_7429.jpegIMG_0034.jpeg
Please note I will be bringing another rider Marty Nagel, he loved the ride previously and wants to come( even though he is in an Italian bike). I was unable to to add him to my registration.
Bring him — we could stand a little moto-diversity on this ride. So far I seem to recall a ton of Kawasakis (no surprise), a fair number of Yamaha, a couple Hondas, couple Triumphs and BMWs, I remember at least one Italian bike — maybe that was Marty two years ago? Oddly I don’t recall us having any Suzuki or American bikes, but maybe I was paying more attention to curves and less to logos.