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Simple disgust


Well ladies and gents it finally happened. Day before yesterday I was doing a tight u-turn on a slanted driveway with my fiance on Juanita at low speed. I'm thinking no problem, I've done this many times before. Concrete, easy peasy. In the middle of the turn, thinking I was in first gear, I let the clutch out to give her gas and finish out the turn. Wroooooooooooooooooong, second gear and she dies. Leaned over to point of no return, all of us go down in slooooooooooooow motion. Don't know how I did it, but picked the Juanita up like in 3 seconds lol. Thankfully no harm to the fiance, just embarrassment to me and slight damage to Juanita. Canyon cages did their job, scuff mark on saddlebag and left mirror but no broken parts. Oh and 2 scuffs on canyon cages. Ok not sure if I'll receive a number but I think I've earned it.  :)

Poor Juanita!  Sure glad you had those Canyon Cages installed instead of sitting on a shelf in the garage!  Glad the fiancee is unhurt and still speaking with you.  But falling from a U-turn slow enough to cause it to die when you hit 2nd instead of 1st while in a driveway definitely counts as a drop rather than a crash.

The only real issue is that (among other things) you have to be an Active Member in order to qualify for the award.  But I was in this very position myself a year ago.  My membership lapsed at the end of December and, being broke after Christmas and month-end bills, I put it off for a couple more weeks and a fresh paycheck.  By then I had forgotten.  When I did pay, it took months for the forum to recognize me as Active again.  So I'm making an Executive Decision and giving you the benefit of the doubt.  I paid for 3 years so this issue shouldn't come up again for a while.

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 530th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0526 C10 Brian Frankenfield
0527 C10 Frazier Johnston
0528 C10 Catrinus Wallet
0529 C10 Doug Belling
0530 C10 Michael Molohon
