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SOLD: C14 Sargent Seat


Training Wheels
Bought this seat about a month ago and it has been a great seat.  Unfortunately I also bought a few other farkles and I really can't justify keeping it all (or explaining it to the wife  :-[) and this is the easiest one to let go (the Muzzy's exhaust is a lot more work to take off  ;D )  This seat is in like new condition and for me was much more comfortable than the 09 stocker (6' 210lbs) This is not the "low" version of the seat.  It is a black seat with the black welting.

Looking to get $SOLD Shipped to your door!

Excuse the bad picture but I haven't been able to capture one except for this one from when i swapped exhausts 2 weeks ago... weather has been kinda... seattleish.  That said I'll try to get a new picture here soon!

