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I think that is really uncool, I paid for the seats and Paypal pulled an audit as they sometimes due and you refund and sell to someone else.You had full payment not cool you could have called like I asked if you were going to reneg. Not happy at all bad deal
Paulmc said:
I think that is really uncool, I paid for the seats and Paypal pulled an audit as they sometimes due and you refund and sell to someone else.You had full payment not cool you could have called like I asked if you were going to reneg. Not happy at all bad deal

I apologize, and I left a note in your refund payment...

There was someone in line ahead of you, and I did not see that he had already paid me...

When we talked you told me you were tired of waiting for people to get back yo you. You received my money in your acct. How did you miss $400. It just sounds wrong to me. If you had a problem you should have called before refunding. Still notcool.