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Speed o cable housing with 17" wheels.....

sas mayhem

Street Cruiser
OK, for those of you that have done this http://www.cog-online.org/clubportal/ClubStatic.cfm?clubID=1328&pubmenuoptID=35748 17 front wheel mod like me.  Looking at the speed o cable from the side, how is your speedometer housing clocked? Mine is fully engaged and against the stops. But it is rotated down to about the 5-5:30 position casing alot of stress. And I think that might have gave me yet another busted cable. I did relieve alot of stess and rerouting the cable out of that wire loop ...that helped alot. I'm I the only one ?

Ron.  Something is wrong. Your. Hub should be set so the cable is at about 3 pm. The stop on the hub needs to be
above the fork stop. 

Most likely the fork stop is worn (mine is too).

My technique is to mount the wheel with the hub stop above the fork stop then to tighten the axle to the point that I see the hub starting to spin slightly clockwise.  I stop tightening the axle and hold the hub in place with a large set of channel locks. They will fit in between the fork with ease. Holding the hub tightly I then torque the axle to 62 ft lbs. Spec is 65 ft lbs but I have found a slight bind at 65 ft lbs.

I make sure the axle nut (right fork) is held in place with the pinch bolt before starting this so I can have a hand on the channel locks and a hand on the torque wrench.

I ruined two cables before I adopted this procedure.

Hope this helps.

2linby said:
Hub should be set so the cable is at about 3 pm. The stop on the hub needs to be
above the fork stop. 

Most likely the fork stop is worn (mine is too).

My technique is to mount the wheel with the hub stop above the fork stop then to tighten the axle to the point that I see the hub starting to spin slightly clockwise.  I stop tightening the axle and hold the hub in place with a large set of channel locks. They will fit in between the fork with ease. Holding the hub tightly I then torque the axle to 62 ft lbs. Spec is 65 ft lbs but I have found a slight bind at 65 ft lbs.

I make sure the axle nut (right fork) is held in place with the pinch bolt before starting this so I can have a hand on the channel locks and a hand on the torque wrench.

I ruined two cables before I adopted this procedure.

Hope this helps.

Thanks 2linby. that was it.
