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Spot and Spotwalla are great


Mini Bike
My GF rides.  She just took up riding last year, but has over 10K miles and a SS 1000 under her belt.  She has also taken the BRC, ERC and ARC.

She is a good rider and very aware of her surroundings.  That being said, I still worry, we live in NJ and not just NJ but the most congested part, with the most aggressive and ignorant drivers.

After riding the SS and deciding we were going to do more rallies, we had seen the SPOT device on some bikes.  Did some research and it is an awesome tool.  For those that don't know, SPOT is a GPS tracking device that updates your location and can be used to send messages, like "I'm OK", "SOS" or a custom message, mine is "At a rally point".

This weekend I have to work, unexpectedly.  I have our car with me.

We had plans to go to the NJ Shore.

Kate is going, by herself, on two wheels.

She is also keeping her SPOT active.

Using Spotwalla, I am able to see that she is progressing and my fears are put aside.

So for anyone who has someone they worry about who rides, and you want to keep an eye out for them, this is an awesome device.

We both have one, and she can watch out for me as well.

Our main reason for purchasing these is so that during rallies, we can each go our own way and still have an idea where the other is.  God forbid something bad happens, you can find exactly where the person is.

So just a long winded way of saying "I love this device and it helps me be relaxed when my GF is out riding on her own."
Yup I too love my Spot tracker and spotwalla

I too live in the most congested area of NJ and while that's usually a non issue (other then frustration sitting in traffic) when I go on long rides I find my family and coworkers love being able to track where i am.  When i went to the National in Arkansas last month, My family and my now ex girlfriend both said they felt better being able to see I was making progress...  And my coworkers loved watching it, they were all having office pools  of "how far will Marc ride today" :)

Mad River Marc said:
Yup I too love my Spot tracker and spotwalla

I too live in the most congested area of NJ........... <snip>

IIRC, you guys live in the same town (if you want to call it a town or city). I think y'all need a tank to get around there.  :nananana:
Can't comment on any of that.  For me it is 150 a year for peace of mind.  That is the cost of her service.

Then there is my $150 a year which is for my own vanity so I can see my rides and remember them.
I have to apologize for my negativity and obvious thread hijack. What I posted is not within your subject at all (sorry). I should only have commented on how I have seen these as a great invention (which they are).

I'm going to remove my posts and consider a separate thread (maybe).
