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Start lockout stuck?


ok, so my bike started fine.. running in neutral. I pull the clutch, put it in first and started to move... and she died. No worries, maybe she wasn't warm. I did it again and she died, again. After a couple more times I got smarter... I let the clutch out so slowly I could tell it was the contact for starting opening that killed the motor. Experimenting with slow release and sure enough... let the clutch out while in gear and dead, let the clutch out in neutral and she keeps running. So, I pulled the plug from the clutch, shorted it with a paperclip and I could ride back to the office. This was at lunch today. Back at the office I tried to recreate the problem but after an ignition switch on-off-on the problem disappeared. I'm back to normal wiring again. so hmmm... is this a sign that something is about to go out?
The bike has a side stand down safety feature that will shut the bike down when the clutch is release when then running, in gear, and side stand down. Since your problem occurs when operating the clutch, that switch is functioning correctly. The problem most likely lies with the side stand. Clean the side stand switch and pivot point using WD-40 as suggested. Inspect side stand, switch, and wiring. -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Ahh, I never knew. Thanks guys. I really need to borrow someone's manual for a weekend read.
Rory... become a paid COG member and you will have full access to the member library and the technical compendium for the C10 called "Best of Chalkdust." You can also look over the Tech pages linked to from the cog-online.org home page. -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.