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Tech Pages


I went to access a tech document that use to be open to the public and I was asked to log in.  Once I logged in I was not taken to the document but to  the calendar.  Once in, there is no longer a link to the Tech Pages and I had to find what I wanted in the Library.

Let me express my dismay that what use to be open to the public is now not.  When I got Dave's permission to use the pages he said they needed to remain open to the public.  Also that in the past several years the club has not seen fit to build on and improve its tech sections.  It is in way worse shape then when I left it and from what I can tell no improvements or new info added in years.  The system to access it is highly flawed.  Even the Concourier archive is not being kept up.  Last issue shown is 2013.

I use to feel that good tech help was half the mission of COG.  That having friends and places to ride were maybe #1 and helping care for and improve the bike #2.  I know most people just go to the forum and ask what they need and that is good but why must our tech savvy people answer the same question every week.  All that is needed is to have decent tech article to send these people a link to.

Now I know all about volunteers and getting stuff done in COG.  I was an AD for two terms and did about 7 years of dedication to COG.  I know improvements take time.  What I am seeing is no improvement in years and even a decline in this benefit of being a member, full or otherwise.  I would do it myself but I just can't.  Still it is disappointing that part of what pulled me into COG and got a lot of my attention and work for years has been neglected.  Maybe I am the only one though that feels tech help is that important?