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Thermal gear for summer


Mini Bike
A while back I placed an order online with cyclegear when they were offering the HEAT-OUT short sleeve top with any purchase for 9.99.  Cheap enough, so I bought it.  And actually forgot I had it until a few weeks ago when I made a 10 hour ride in scorching heat.  Anyway, decided to try it and wore the shirt underneath a light weight, loose fitting cotton button up. 

The results were a pleasant and unexpected surprise.  It worked.  I was actually comfortable for the entire ride.  Normally, I would have been hot and there would be some sweat involved.  Actually, a lot of sweat, but that wasn't the case.  9.99 well spent.

While in Houston this past time, Cyclegear had a sale on the thermals and I bought both the long sleeve shirt and under pants.  So did my friend, based on my recommendation.  I used them that Saturday when I joined the motohouston group for their weekly ride.  So did my friend, except that he wore mesh pants and jacket.  Again, the stuff worked, but not nearly as well as the first time.  The difference being air flow.  On the interstate, at speeds of 70-110 mph, I had plenty of air flow over the material.  On the motohouston ride, not so much going through the countryside twisties.  From this I learned that the thermals need a sufficient air flow to carry the wicked heat from your body away.  The problem is that the C10 does such a good job of insulating you from the weather.  At speeds of 40-50 mph under the beating sun, you stay on the uncomfortable warm side in the thermals, and, should you stop for any length of time with NO flow - they have the opposite effect.  They will bake you  like a potato.  You can test the thermals effectiveness at low speeds on the C10 by holding your arm straight out from behind the fairing and windshield and see the remarkable difference.  The stuff works, but it requires air flow.

On the other hand, my friend with the mesh outfit, riding his pretty much open Vmax, was perfectly comfortable all day, and that is my recommendation - if you have a long ride coming up this summer, I'd invest in a mesh jacket and pants, and wear the full length thermals.

Ride safe and stay cool.

The top for 19.99


The pants for 17.99


So does the long sleeve shirt come with the physique for the $20 or do I have to get that separately?