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Training Wheels

Did this ride today.

Ride took about 8 hours including 4 stops for: snack and looking at Satsop, visiting Beach 2, lunch in Forks, and a cappuccino in Port Angeles.

Interesting factoids at Satsop: an entire shitload of Army dudes with many, many trucks. They were loading containers onto trucks and driving them around. Also some SPECOPS types in a dune buggy with lots of gear. They kept to themselves and did not bug me, but I did not want to push my luck so I didn't photograph them.

Factoid two at Satsop: every VW in the world is parked at the biggest parking lot you can imagine there. All of them used diesels. ALso, the lot I parked in for my snack and photo-op was being fenced in by two dudes. They said it was for more VW's. They said the cars are awaiting a ship to send them to wherever VW is going to re-sell them: Mexico was one place they were certain of, but also Asia.

I asked fence-men about the Army and they said those dudes would not talk to them even though they'd been there for days. The Army was camping out all over the place there. Weird.

Near Humptulips a cop lit me up, but he was going one way at around 60 and I was going the other way at...a bit more than that, and I don't think he thought the required closure rate was worth it.

A lesson I learned today - radar detector: yes. Paid for itself several times. Also - GPS: yes. Super nice to be able to follow your nose for a while and then just hit - GO HOME.

The beach was beautiful. A gently rolling fog under a bright blue sky and no other humans.

Burger at Sully's in Forks was adequate, fast, and cheap. Nothing to write home about, but it was calories. Also, Forks is depressing.

The weather went from a low of about 51 in the moist parts just north of Aberdeen up to almost 80 on the highway at Gorst as I creeped in shipyard and subase traffic coming home.

Another lesson I learned today - if you are gonna go for a long ride, you really, really want a Concours 14. Just saying.

Satsop - Decommissioned nuclear power station.


Beach Two

You 'Poor Tortured' soul!!! Having to ride something so green in an area so green.  :))
That is a great two day ride for me, haven't done it for about two years. Why don't your pictures show up? :'(

Some great routes and info! +1 on doing Dan's suggestion for Neah bay!

If you or anyone else want to ride this route sometime soon, let me know as I could use an excuse to get out with the longer and hopefully drier days!
