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TPMS removal


Hi gang-
Tomorrow morning I will get the tires off the rims and then remove the TPMS and send out to Rev Ryder for battery replacement (Rev rocks!! :beerchug:). My question is do I have to do anyting special to remove the monitors? Since I have not seen them up close, I'm just trying to get ahead of the game. Thanks for your help...

    IIRC, it held in place by the valve itself. I don't remember how the OEM valve came out (by hand or with a tool) So Fred or someone who has take one out would be better to answer this. Anyway, here's a photo of the sensor with both the OEM and Murph's replacement 90 degree valve. (photo courtesy of Fred Harmon)

Who or what is Rev Ryder ?  A guy that replaced the batteries at home or a company that does it? Did you check with your dealer to see if it is still covered under warranty? Mt dealer told me the batteries have a 5 year warranty on them.
Rev is one of our more respected long term COG members. He's more well known on the C10 side of the forum. (As well as one of the forum moderators) Although Rev also spends time on this side as well. And yes he is "A guy that replaced the batteries at home". But if you know for sure that Kawasaki isn't going to replace the sensors because there is no warranty on the C14. Then Rev replacing the batteries is a very good (and more cost effective) solution to TPS battery troubles on your C14.  ;)