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Turkey knocks Hartford motorcycle rider off bike

Gerry B

Mini Bike
http://sj-online2.sunjournal.com/html/turkey/index.php?storyid=307828&t=3 That had to hurt! I almost had the same thing happen to me. The damn thing was the size of a microwave and flew across the road right in front of me...
Yes but his mate got to keep the bird! :) Cranberry sauce anyone? I guess better a turkey than a deer any day! Colin Prior Cogmos Administrator Lake Forest Park WA COG#7767
Almost got my head taken off last year by a red tailed hawk. It took off from the side of the road and got sucked into some kind of vortex from the car in front of me. I could hear his altitude warning indicator saying "pull up!" as he managed to get just high enough to clear my helmet.
Riding with my friend last fall thru hills of Kentucky a large hawk swooped down and almost grabbed him before it turned away. It was probably because he was on a yellow SV650, anyway any time he is riding that bike I call him the giant CHICKEN.
I wonder if it was emulating that suicide game the little birds play where they fly as close to the front of your vehicle as they can. They must get some kind of rush from it. I startled a bird on the way to work one morning and it flew up in front of me and took a dump right on my windshield. I followed that blob of poop all the way in, hoping it would fall short of my helmet and face shield. Fortunately, as I said, his aim was a little off.
last year I took a robin right in the vent hole of my Targus. Stuck in the hole long enough for me to think "OH S--T", then came on through and over my left shoulder. On my way to work, so had "dirty" shorts all day. Can't imagine a Turkey. 1990 Aint she a pretty Tomato (the bike ofcourse) wedshots albums http://community.webshots.com/user/sawfiler64/albums/most-recent
I nearly collected a buzzard last summer. It was down in a ditch beside the road and couldn't be seen. One of my friends was the lead bike, I was #2. Buzzard flew up as he went by and got caught in his wind vortices (he has a big cruiser w/windshield) and was flopping all around. I didn't know which way to go so I used the NASCAR idea of "aim at the wreck, it won't be there when you get there." Missed him by inches by ducking. Sure didn't want to hit that thing. Not only are they pretty big but they tend to puke as a defense mechanism (DAMHIKIJKOK) and what they eat is truly disgusting before they eat it. After :( Nasty doesn't even come close.
Oh, buzzards are great fun. They look REALLY big when they're about to impact you and the bike. One eating road kill started to fly away, but turned back into my path. It hit the vent above the headlight on the C10. They go splat and lose a lot of feathers at 70mph. luckily all the yuck (and the dead bird) landed in the road behind me. I think it took 2 washings to clean my shorts, and I did not claim or try to cook the roadkill. Or the buzzard.
My old boss spent a short stint working for the bird rescue place in Charlotte. They had some buzzards and, as the designated FNG, he was assigned the task of feeding them roadkill collected by the DOT. Jim's right of course, they puke when they're scared to make themselves lighter for a quick get away and to discourage potential predators. They don't tell this to the FNG, though they do put him in coveralls before they send him in.
I had a good friend take a Barn Owl in the chest at about 80 mph at 1:00 AM. It flew up off the road in front of him He and the bike parted company. Bike totaled and he was hospitalized for about a week, and it took almost a year to fully recover. The owl flew away after a couple of minutes. It's not something you want to see anytime, especially at O' Dark Thirty.
I had a turkey save my life one time. Just before entering a left curve a large turkey flew across the road in front of me at a very low altitude, knowing that they are usually found in flocks I nailed the brakes, in the middle of the curve a deer crossed in front of me. I would have hit her at about 55 mph. Thinking of switching to ham for Thanksgiving. :)