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Turn signal dims the headlight


Mini Bike
While riding w/ a 2009 C14 owner I noticed that when he turned on his turn signal the headlight would dim and then get brighter as the t/s blinked on and off. The owner hasn't modified the bike.....yet. Has anyone seen a problem like this w/ their C14?
The general consensus from the Front Porch Maojrity here at the National is your friend has a battery issue, or there is some unknown drain on the system. This should not happen. You said the bike is stock but is there an electric vest or some other load going on you don't know about? Recommend getting a voltage reading (using a voltmeter, not the bike's readout) while the bike is running and try various combinations of loads to make sure the charging system or battery is up to snuff.
I agree with Rich. It appears something is loading down the electrical system. Does the owner have heated grips installed or any aftermarket stuff (heated grips/lights) that draw high current? It also could be a poor connection at the battery. I would have him check the battery connections first and make sure they are tight.