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ud date on northwest cogger RICH LUCERO


new update,Rich is doing great with the bypass but has come down with pnemonia and is fighting that now so we are keeping an eye on that.No other complications at this time
good news..
                                                              get well soon Rich!!
Get well soon, Rich.  Does this mean you'll be able impress chicks with a cool scar?  Chicks dig scars, you know.  ;)
Thanks for the update and I'm happy to hear he got through the surgery.  Praying for a quick and meaningful recovery.  It's amazing what modern medicine can do.  Sometimes it's scary what they mess up too, but I'm glad this one turned out well!

Charlie_Gary_NWAD said:
Get well soon, Rich.  Does this mean you'll be able impress chicks with a cool scar?  Chicks dig scars, you know.  ;)

I could not posses enough scars to impress a chick.  Is there anything else I might have a shot at?
runnerb0y said:
Thanks for the update and I'm happy to hear he got through the surgery.  Praying for a quick and meaningful recovery.  It's amazing what modern medicine can do.  Sometimes it's scary what they mess up too, but I'm glad this one turned out well!

Charlie_Gary_NWAD said:
Get well soon, Rich.  Does this mean you'll be able impress chicks with a cool scar?  Chicks dig scars, you know.  ;)

I could not posses enough scars to impress a chick.  Is there anything else I might have a shot at?

A big lump of something in your trousers will do it.  A big roll of cash in your pocket is probably the easiest to achieve.  ;D
It was requested to place this in the NW events section. (it being a NW member) Although not a NW event, it is felt that it is a kind of family event and a special case. So I have moved it for the NW folks. My apologies if it causes any confusion for folks.