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UFB (Un Fricken Believeable) Ride


UFB (Un Fricken Believeable) Ride

Y'all might know about the Trans Labrador Hiway in Canada. It's famously remote & tuff, even in summer.

Well, a few of the nutzo ADV boyz did it last February, led by the fella that had already ridden across CA in winter. Amazing!

Sheck it out at http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=444288
I've been checkin' that out too, Paulie.  UFB is right on!  Then there's the father/son ride report where they took a bunch of pictures of Mama Moose and her two calves.  Wtf???  Don't they know nuthin'?  :eek:

How ya doin' these days?

