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Un Frickin Believable


So my new '15 Connie is the first bike I've owned with a centerstand in years.  Everything else has been sportbikes without one.  So yesterday I take all the vehicles out of the garage for a thorough garage clean-up.  The ZX14R gets a nice block of wood under the sidestand and the connie goes up on the centerstand.  I don't need anything under the centerstand, right?  Wrong!  I am happily cleaning away and organizing in the garage when I hear THE SOUND.  I walk out to the side of the garage and there she is on her right side.  Right leg of the centerstand gradually pushed into the asphalt until the inevitable roll on to the ground.  Two inch hole punched in my one year old asphalt driveway.  Man what a friggin bummer.  Scarred up the mirror, center and lower cowling, and the bag cover.  Snapped the footpeg feeler off as well.  I'm 51, been riding all my adult life, and have never dropped one until now.  Only 500 miles on it...still has the temp tag. 
Not good ... "best laid plans" and all that ...  :truce:

Mind you "the COG guys" say it's not "if" you are going to drop it its "when" ...

So on the bright side, now that you've dropped it ... you won't need to drop it again anytime soon ...  :motonoises:

Hope the repairs don't cost you a lot  ... its never good scratching up the "baby."
Yea, it could have been much worse I suppose...not even moving obviously helps.  Priced out the parts online, looks to be about a grand, which is the amount of my comprehensive deductible.  I could have bought an MCCruise for that!  Oh well. 
Send the bill to the guy that did the driveway. Two inch hole? Not compacted well enough.
Barry said:
Yea, it could have been much worse I suppose...not even moving obviously helps.  Priced out the parts online, looks to be about a grand, which is the amount of my comprehensive deductible.  I could have bought an MCCruise for that!  Oh well.

I have the McCruise on order - so I hope I don't drop mine as that would be a 2K bill for me.  :mad:

But thanks for posting this up as the Connie is a heavy bike and with the weather slowly warming up I'll be thinking about
a piece of wood or something, if I ever park mine on the driveway.  My garage is concrete but that doesn't mean it can't be dropped on concrete.
Sorry for your pain.  At least parts are still available - Try dropping (or have an accident) with an older bike that they don't make parts for.  That really stinks.  :'(
That's really terrible, Barry.  I live in Florida and I've never had a stand punch through the asphalt, even in the blazing heat of summer.  But at least you got 500 miles on her.  Pity poor Cap'n Bob who dropped his with less than a mile on the poor thing.  In fact, his was the very first official drop of a C14.

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 538th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have yet another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:
0534 C10 Eric Stewart
0535 C10 David Peters
0536 C14 Joel Scherzer
0537 C10 Jim Polito
0538 C14 Bernard Vance

Drove by a bike on the center stand the other day at the start of a rain storm.  I told Leslie that bike will be on the ground when we come back from the store.  She later said, " don't you get tired of always being right"
Barry said:
Yea, it could have been much worse I suppose...not even moving obviously helps.  Priced out the parts online, looks to be about a grand, which is the amount of my comprehensive deductible.  I could have bought an MCCruise for that!  Oh well.

Save the grand, rider her like she is....she's got character now!!

I've got almost those exact same marks on mine after a zero MPH drop on sloped asphalt parking lot with side stand deploy failure.

I just don't understand people parking their bikes on the centerstand.  If it's on asphalt and the sun is out, chances are it's going to fall over.  Using the sidestand is much more stable and if it sinks in, it usually doesn't fall over, but just leans more.  The centerstand is for maintenance on the bike. 

Sorry for the oops, btw.  You can try to polish out the scratches.  I had a low speed get off.  A buddy with an electric polisher, proper polishing materials, a little time and she looked almost good as new.