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variable cam


How can I tell if the cam timing is really changing? some days I whack the throttle in 1st gear and the front wheel heads for the sky,other days,with weather conditions virtually the same,front end stays down.It feels like it's pulling the same, but butt dynos aren't always accurate.If this sounds like a stupid question then I'm sure I'll get an appropriate response...Thx... :-[
Fred might know but I'm pretty sure if the intake cam isn't responding to inputs which would change intake timing, the ECU would throw a code at the display console.
The "butt" dyno doesn't sense all the variables that the ECU does and that's why it is not used anymore.  The bike is way smarter than your butt, so don't trust the butt -- trust the bike.  Same explanation for people who swear that different oils affects shifter quality........