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Vulcan 900 question


I am looking to add cruiser and really like the looks of the Vulcan Classic LT 900. Anyone have any comments on it? Thanks to all who reply.
It looks kind of like a smaller copy of the Mean Streak. I have had my  Mean Streak for a while now and just love my bike. It's not the quickest bike out there. But it runs along well enough and handles great for a cruiser. It's been rock solid dependable for the years and 20,000+ miles I have on it. And it's great to be able to ride a totally different bike when your mood is different.
I ride mine more in the warmer weather than cold. But I have ridden in the cold many times. And it's nice to have a dependable second bike if or when your other bike may be at the dealer or out of commission. I love having a sport cruiser and sport tour. It makes for a nice change when you want to feel more wind or smell the grass and flowers better. I recommend it if you can afford it.
My 2003 Vulcan Mean Streak has been a great bike that I really can't say anything bad about. Even the OEM seat is excellent, unlike most OEM seats (Concours).
But the Vulcan 900 is not exactly the same bike. IIRC, the 900 uses conventional forks instead of inverted like the MS. The 900 uses belt drive, which is the next best thing to shaft IMO. And obviously the motor is smaller. But the bike is basically the same dependable design as all the Vulcan's have been. The 900 will be lighter which might make it more fun yet.  And in capable hands, the Vulcan's will run right along with the other bikes. I have ridden mine on COG rides and had no problem running with the sport tours (as long as it isn't going to be knee dragging riding)!
SO for what it's worth, I highly recommend the Vulcan as a good dependable cruiser that should do what you want.
I just traded my 900 classic Lt in on an 09 Concours back in December and it was hard to do. The 900 LT is a great bike. It's perfect for cruising around town but not really for long hauls in my opinion, though it certainly can do it. I wanted tubeless tires, locking saddlebags, more power and speed etc...  in other words a true tourer.  Still, I loved it for 2 years and never had any trouble out of it. I wish I had room in my life and garage for 2 bikes but I don't so she had to go. Here's a pic.

Weg3111 said:
I just traded my 900 classic Lt in on an 09 Concours back in December and it was hard to do. The 900 LT is a great bike. It's perfect for cruising around town but not really for long hauls in my opinion, though it certainly can do it. I wanted tubeless tires, locking saddlebags, more power and speed etc...  in other words a true tourer.  Still, I loved it for 2 years and never had any trouble out of it. I wish I had room in my life and garage for 2 bikes but I don't so she had to go. Here's a pic.

Do you think the 900 was too light for the long haul? How did it hold the road around the big rigs? thanks for any info you can add. Harry