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I'm looking for a Concours 14 2010 or newer.  (Like KTRAC and KACT and other improvements)
Under 10,000 miles
Black or Black Cherry

I'm willing to spend under $11,000.
Email pics and info to mlbfreaks2765@yahoo.com


I was saddened (but not surprised) that the 2013's had no major changes.  :'(

Was hoping for major changes so people would be off-loading their used ones at bargin prices.  :)

Still good pricing on used ones, just need to find the right one that calls out to me.  :great:
Lucked out on finding mine, a 2011 with 2500 miles...risers, cover, battery tender and HID's for 10K. Keep looking, they're out there!
My dealer (owner, finance manager) thinks 2014 will be the big change year. Based on cycles of upgrades for both the ZX14 and the C14.

And even so, I won't bother selling my 2012 to get one, mine already goes fast enough for me, already had cruise control and heated seats, and if everything I want from a sport touring bike.
Think I may want to hang on to her for a while....already added a calsci windshield, Corbin Modular seat, Smuggler Trunk and backrest...appreciate the offer though. ;D