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Wanted - right saddlebag bracket '05 C10


Hello All - Subject line says it all. Please let me know if you have one.  May need a bag, too but I haven't had a close enough look at the mounting latch to be sure.
Turns out we have a really good welder in town who repaired my bracket. What I DO need is a latch for the front of the right bag. Looked all over for an 'A' or 'B' but can't find any indication. Two questions: 1-what surface of the latch carries the letter and 2-best source other than the dealer?
OK, found the letter on the key - I have a 'B' lock set. If anyone can assist with a lock/latch, it's appreciated. EBay has a couple of 'A' sets. And according to the Concours manual, that top and side latches are the same.  Looking around the forum, I'm sure I saw that they were different.

Again, any help appreciated.