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Warm Stuff Free


Street Cruiser
I will be going on a potentially cold weather ride soon, so I pulled out my foul weather gear.  I found a couple of practically new pieces that I'll never use, so someone else might as well have them.  Everything here was worn only once.  PM me with an address and what you want, and I'll send it to you.

Gatorskin Top, in XXL (I wear "L" in everything, but the XXL was the size that fit me).

Gatorskin Bottom in L

Also Gatorskin sock liners (not shown).  A lot of people really like Gatorskins.  I did not.

FreezeOut Top in L.  Works great, but after buying it, I found they have a full zipper version so I bought it (easier to put on and off).  Do not use this one as a result.
sheesh cant beat this offer with a stick. I would give all of the items a try but dont want to be to greedy - You choose to box it all up and done to one cogger or spread the love. I'll pay postage and promise to pass the same deal along to whatever doesnt work out for me or the misses. Thanks.
Awesome of you to do. Spread the positive vibes!  :great:

If anything doesn't work out, or you split it up, I'd be in to give some of it a shot.
I guess it would be easiest for me if I send it all to one place.  Tell you what, Cobber...  PM your address and I'll send it to you (don't worry about postage; no big deal).  If something doesn't suit your fancy, stick it back up here for someone else to claim. 

Sound like a plan?
The missus has given me the "get organized or else" ultimatum, so I suspect there will be another one of these posts in the near future.  I have purchased a lot of gear along the way looking for just the right combination for cold riding.  I now have my set up complete; I'll ride down to 0° as long as it's dry.  So the stuff that didn't make the team is going to get put on the waiver list.

Stay tuned.  ;)
Solomookie said:
The missus has given me the "get organized or else" ultimatum, so I suspect there will be another one of these posts in the near future.  I have purchased a lot of gear along the way looking for just the right combination for cold riding.  I now have my set up complete; I'll ride down to 0° as long as it's dry.  So the stuff that didn't make the team is going to get put on the waiver list.

Stay tuned.  ;)

Care to format another post regarding your personal experience with your trial and error process.  With the cold coming in for most of us, it'd be great to hear some perspective!
DialedN_13 said:
Solomookie said:
The missus has given me the "get organized or else" ultimatum, so I suspect there will be another one of these posts in the near future.  I have purchased a lot of gear along the way looking for just the right combination for cold riding.  I now have my set up complete; I'll ride down to 0° as long as it's dry.  So the stuff that didn't make the team is going to get put on the waiver list.

Stay tuned.  ;)

Care to format another post regarding your personal experience with your trial and error process.  With the cold coming in for most of us, it'd be great to hear some perspective!

+1 on DialedN_13 said...

I'd also be in to try something in large that doesn't work out.
DialedN_13 said:
Care to format another post regarding your personal experience with your trial and error process.  With the cold coming in for most of us, it'd be great to hear some perspective!

Okay, guys.  I'll do a write-up.  It may be a little long winded; I'm a technical writer by trade.  I started thinking about the things that have worked, and haven't, and I've already mentally added some more gear to the waiver list.  ::)