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What is the "pinlock" feature on my new helmet?

So, I now have my new Kabuto Ibuki helmet, seems like it will be great but haven't ridden the bike yet with it, hope to this weekend.  As I suppose many new helmets now have, in a separate package is the Pinlock insert lens.  Appears to be a separate shield that attaches to the inside of the face shield.  I assume this has something to do with "fogging" of the face shield?

SOooooo..... do I put this on now????  Do I put it on just under certain circumstances?  Other than listing it on the helmet's parts diagram the helmet instructions say nothing about this "pinlock"?

Please educate me guys on this what to do with this "pinlock'...

I put mine in and left it there.  I like it.  It works.  :great:

The extra layer can cause some glare at night,  but I avoid night riding when possible.  Some people don't notice any problem with it at night.
I'd suggest putting it on at the start of the next cool riding season.  It works like a dual pane window to prevent fogging, and it really, really works.  Once you put it in, forget about it, and just leave it there.  One thing I learned the hard way - NEVER try to clean the pinlock insert.  just holding a soft microfiber cloth in your hand as you walk past your helmet is enough to scratch the bejeezus out of it.
Flat-spot said:
I put mine in and left it there.  I like it.  It works....  :great:


I like to use the bronze colored ones as a sun shield for those helmets that don't have the drop down visor.  :great:
i have a photo changing insert for my shoei, seems to work well, just not as dark as my dark one.
anyways, riding at night, depending on eye level you will probably see double lights, kinda funky, but no big deal, better than seeing fog.
i only use my pinlock shield spring and fall, and it works well. i keep my breath guard in, as well as a chin curtain.
they can be tricky to get a good seal, if they have the cam pins for tension on the insert.

enjoy,  :motonoises:
Thanks for the replies guys.  Ummmm.....I think I will go without it at first, it is suppose  to be about 70 or so here on Sunday so don't expect fogging to be an issue anyway.  Won't however be a real great riding day as winds will be gusty, seems to always be a problem here in the mid-west in the spring time.