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Which is the better year


I may have a choice of three
C-10s 97 50k with damaged but replaceable
Fairings.....an 04 with 40k needs nothing
05 40k needs nothing I know the 97 I had
One a whole back just don't know if there where
Specific issues related to the 04,and
05 that I should know about thanks for any
Virtually no differences between the '97 and the later bikes.  '05 and '06 had all chrome mufflers instead of chrome and black.  Mechanically, they are essentially identical. 
I'd base the decision on the current condition and how it runs.  Those mileages and years are essentially identical.  Be careful estimating fairing replacement costs, it can be hard to find good parts, and even though they may be listed in sellers inventory, many parts are not actually available! 
Yeh I was leaning towards the 04/05 I did find cheap cycle parts
.com talked to a couple of members they used them and were
Happy but that being said I want something I don't have to
put money into right from the start thanks
As mentioned basically all the same, the choice is what color do you want?  Green, black or gold?  ???