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Wonder if a 190/60/17 rear tire fits C14


I wonder if a soft compound 190/60/17 with high speed rating is available and would fit the rear? Could it improve speedo error and final drive gear ratio, when drag racing with a turbo? My C14 is in the shop now for turbo installation. Unlike a chain driven bike like the ZX14, we can't change sprockets adding or deleting teeth. Later, amigos. Lew 
I had a 180/55 on my 09 because the dealer was out of 190/50 at that time, had no problem and still had clearance. the 60 is  a little taller but I THINK it would work.
Michelin PR2 and 3 in 190/55 makes my speedo almost spot on, until the tire gets a few thousand miles on it and the reading begins to get a tad faster. Varies about 1.5 mph as the tire wears down...for me any way