• Can't post after logging to the forum for the first time... Try Again - If you can't post in the forum, sign out of both the membership site and the forum and log in again. Make sure your COG membership is active and your browser allow cookies. If you still can't post, contact the COG IT guy at IT@Concours.org.
  • IF YOU GET 404 ERROR: This may be due to using a link in a post from prior to the web migration. Content was brought over from the old forum as is, but the links may be in error. If the link contains "cog-online.org" it is an old link and will not work.

Wrong link for "Concours 14 Discussion (C14 / ZG1400 / 1400GTR)" at top


I noticed when I'm in the "Concours 14 Discussion (C14 / ZG1400 / 1400GTR) General Chat and Tech" discussion, the link for the "Concours 14 Discussion (C14 / ZG1400 / 1400GTR)" at the top goes to "http://forum.cog-online.org/index.php#c10"  If you notice at the end of the link, it's referring to the C10 section and not C14.

On a side note...while I don't normally click my back browser button because it doesn't always refresh the content, clicking the "Concours 14 Discussion (C14 / ZG1400 / 1400GTR)" is my goto since it goes to the top since there may have been some new posts which refreshes the page is how I noticed this bug.

Hopefully this can be resolved! TIA!

Not sure how you got that URL... maybe from using the back button.  I was unable to duplicate your results.

As I interpret the URL, the "#c10" is an anchor reference in the URL fro the addressed page. In this case it should do nothing in the context of the URL stated because there are no anchors of that name on the referenced page.  Click on the URL in question or cut/paste it into the browser and see where it goes.

http://forum.cog-online.org/index.php#c10  For me it goes to the forum home page, which makes sense as it is: index.php page

FWIW - The URL for the C10 section is: http://forum.cog-online.org/concours-c10-zg1000-general-chat-and-tech/

I figured it was hard to understand, including a screenshot of what I meant. Hopefully it's clearer. No use of back button which I shouldn't have mentioned, its just hovering your mouse and/or clicking the "Concours 14 Discussion (C14 / ZG1400 / 1400 GTR)" at the top...


1. Goto Concours 14 / ZG1400 General Chat and Tech
2. Hover and/or click on "Concours 14 Discussion (C14 / ZG1400 / 1400GTR) in middle area to go back.

Concours 14 discussion should be at top, NOT C10

It's not a big deal, just being nitpicky since my laptop and browser view is limited. Not a dealbreaker or browser issue, just weird to see "#c10" referenced for the C14 area.

Thanks... now I see where you get it from.

Still a non-issue.  As I stated, the #c10 is just html anchor text and unrelated to the actual section content.

Try this...

  • Click on any board in Motorcycle Talk and when you mouse over Motorcycle Talk in the same place you get #c1
  • Click on any board in Concours C10 / ZG1000 General Chat and Tech and check the mouse over link and you get #c11
  • Click on any board in Ride Time and check the mouse over link and you get #c2

The anchor text reference in a URL jumps to the location on the page where the <a> tag with the same name exists.

Hope this helps