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WTB C10 Mirrors ANY condition need a set badly


Hey folks I am in dire need of some mirrors, I am disabled and cannot pay much but willing to accept any USABLE mirror, right left or both as I have NONE right now and the handlebar mirror mounts are completely buggered up by previous idiotic rigging....

Please contact me about this if you can help.


I'll look to see if I still have any old C10 mirrors laying around. I can't promise anything, for folks have also had similar problems in the past. So I might have given them out already. But I will take a look tonight when I get home. (if I remember)

You probably should have posted this in the C10 emporium.  ;)
Yes I see the moderator moved it for me, sorry about that still learning my way around here. Thank you for having  look see. If you don't have one can you tell me of an after market rteplacement that would work with my fairing perhaps??
You know what, I forgot to look. I will go out this morning and look if I have any. Sorry for the wait.
I looked and do not see one. Unless I have them squirreled away somewhere. I doubt I have one. Sorry.

AspectOne said:
Sorr Connito not seeing any PMs can you reply please to aspectgoldwings@gmail.com ???? THANK YOU!!!! ^-^

Did you look in "my messages", on the black tool bar on the top of the page? Or is there a problem that your not getting messages.  ???
Hi, I actually sent you an email through the forum. In any event, I will send you an email directly to your address in a little bit.
