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WTB: Lower Right Fairing for C10 Connie


Mini Bike
I've been looking for an undamaged one for several years on EBay. It seems that the lower left side is the side that never gets damaged. I'd rather not pay dealer price for a new one. I have an '03 but color is (of course) not an issue. Anyone have one they can part with?
I have noticed the same thing.  left sides come and go at decent prices.  Right sides don't seem to shop up. Even if I finally decide to buy one from babbits or bikebandit, they often list the part as a please call.  It seems weird, but does everbody fall on their right?  I guess if one does show up on ebay you and I will be bidding against each other.
;)There is a right side panel Cowling on ebay from an 87 for $150.  You are probably not going to get a better deal than that.  I think I am going to buy a parts bike myself.
I could sell you mine...I tipped over on the left. Upper, and lower left side is gone...right semed pretty good, but I'll have to look at it. Right now I'm 'streetfighterizing' it if I can't locate fairing pieces myself...
In VT, if that helps!