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I checked the air in the rear shock with a Milton air gauge and it had 30 lbs of pressure in it. However to the rt of the air gauge is a air pressure indicator which registers 1 thru 4 the only way it would come out is if I pulled on it. When I did pull it out it was hard to do but it would come out just hard. Is their some sort of penetrant to spray were it clicks out in the shock itself. Possibly silicone. Or what can I do to make it work properly and register 1 2 3 4 like it should.
Has anyone had this specific problem and if so what was your remedy.

Thanks Dean
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If I remember correctly that's ur rebound settings. Check ur owners manual for the setting based on ur weight and amount if gear ur carrying. Little wd 40 should loseen it up. Be gentle tho, the little plastic pull, although it's threaded on, can crack off..
Yes, that is your rebound damping control. There are actually 4 settings - pushed all the way in (1), one click out (2), two clicks out (3) and all the way out (4). Pushed all the way in gives you the least damping force which is the softest setting. That's for light loads, good roads and just tooling around. All the way out is the most damping force which is the hardest setting. This is for heavy loads, bad roads or when you are really twisting it. I'm 250lbs (without gear) and am kind of a heavy load, so I set the damping force on the stronger side. I have experimented with all 4 settings and find 3 as the best for all around riding, coupled with 30lbs of air pressure. The softer settings allow for too much bouncing for my taste. The roads here in CT kind of suck. HTH.