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2006 C10 Fairing Pocket Lock Ring Needed


I need the lock ring that holds the fairing pocket key latch in place (right side, although I don't think it makes a difference). This is the threaded ring on the inside of the latch.

Anybody got one they'd be willing to part with?
Fwiw, i Just checked Ron ayers. They don't sell just the nut. 76 bucks for matching new locks, 2 of them. Partszilla is the same situation. Have u checked ebay? They call it the tool box cover lock.
One of the members, stasch, is usually the man to see for hard to find c10 parts. Send him a pm and see if he can help
Just saw this, I do have some!
Ur the first person I think of when someone's looking for c10 parts. And i saw you had some things on ebay..lol

Many years ago there was anither member , the wizard I believe, who was the go to person. Sadly he passed away a few years back. I can't remember who bought out his supply.
Ur the first person I think of when someone's looking for c10 parts. And i saw you had some things on ebay..lol

Many years ago there was anither member , the wizard I believe, who was the go to person. Sadly he passed away a few years back. I can't remember who bought out his supply.
I don't know that we ever heard that anyone had bought Jerry's parts. He had a lot. It could have gone to scrap. I think he had some in rented storage. His sister was overwhelmed after he left us.
I did a search and didn't see that there was any announcement of it...hope it all worked out for the family tho...
Ur the first person I think of when someone's looking for c10 parts. And i saw you had some things on ebay..lol

Many years ago there was anither member , the wizard I believe, who was the go to person. Sadly he passed away a few years back. I can't remember who bought out his supply.
Yeah, I got a few things from Jerry. And sent him my extra fuel gauge resistors which he was distributing. Good guy, he’s definitely missed