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Clutch cover gasket coating


Looks like Im going to have to replace the star springs as Im getting the double bump in the clutch trying to go up my short apron into my garage. Ive got the kit with gasket from Murph ,but I was wondering what i should coat the metal gasket with to install it. Any recommendations and what should I watch out for?
Thanks I wasnt sure whether to coat both sides or not. I forget who it was quite awhile ago was telling me to put a light coat of grease on both sides and tighten it down. Never heard of anything like that.
The Murphs kit should have included a tube of black rtv . I lightly smeared both sides . If you do the job on the sidestand you will lose very little oil .
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Thats what Im hoping to do this week with this small blast of warm weather. My garage isnt heated ar attached to my house so it gets a little cold out there.
I use grease on both sides or maybe grease on 1 side and a bit of RTV on the other side.
The grease helps the gasket stick to the engine case, (allows the gasket to wiggle to get into the correct location) "and the gasket is removable" if you ever have to go back inside.

Ride safe, Ted