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Garmin 2720


Back in the day the Garmin 2720(2710) was the goto motorcycle GPS. Many held onto them for years after they stopped selling them.

Is anyone still interested in the old days??????????????? I have one that could very well still function. It did when I upgraded.
They are/were VERY nice. I bought a used 2720 and had it for years.
The display had features that my Zumo does not, that were nice. My mount broke and few months later my wife got me the Zumo.
I'm still running both a 2610 (?) and a 2720.

Their best feature to me is the remote velcroed to the tank bags.

It allows no look touch to quickly zoom in and out and toggle between map and route page, rather than having to touch the screen while underway.
I'm still running both a 2610 (?) and a 2720.

Their best feature to me is the remote velcroed to the tank bags.

It allows no look touch to quickly zoom in and out and toggle between map and route page, rather than having to touch the screen while underway.
Very interesting feature. Does remote have other functions too?

Although I have not enabled for my ZUMO XT I do believe the voice command functions can do many tasks so when integrated to the helmet comms you can change routes, etc.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
You are correct 2610 was the older model.
I used a tank bag to hold my GPS even before they came out with tank bags with GPS windows. I never liked how abusive mounting to the handle bars are to the gps. I never had the remote.
Very interesting feature. Does remote have other functions too?
Yes, you can do just about anything with the remote that can be done on the touch screen.

Some of it is pretty detailed and isn't something you would want to do on the fly including typing in route locations, etc.

But the page flip and zoom features are great to use from the remote on the fly. I really miss not being able to do that quickly on phone apps or other GPS models, to the point that I have purchased more than one 26xx 27xx models used. (28xx have remotes too)