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MOB Has Passed


I received the following from his wife a few minutes ago:

"Hello, it's Dona, Rich Riczinger's wife.

"After a long illness Rich passed away this year. It's been some months and I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner. I'm having a difficult time. He was almost in remission from lymphoma, when he developed acute myeloid leukemia in October 2022. He was very ill for a long time and I know he didn't stay in touch. Still I know you were friends and thought you should know. Hope all is well with you."

He was a work associate, a COG associate, an occasional drinking buddy, and a good friend. He will be missed by a lot of folks.

Godspeed my friend. The pain is gone and you're in a better place.
Sad😪. I was just thinking about him the other day and was hoping he was doing okay. Our health should never be taken for granted. Thanks for posting this gbyoung2.

Sorry to hear. He was an interesting fellow.
I met him, and I believe you also? in the hotel lounge at the 2019 national?

Rich and I discussed blues artists we liked and or had seen.
He was a great source for tech help.
And he put Monty Python videos in his post.🤣 🤣🤣🤣😁

I liked him a lot
Sad to hear. Rich was an interesting and complex dude. Seen him be a give his shirt off his back kinda guy, as well as the shouldn’t have written that last sentence guy too.

Here's Rich at the 2007 COG National with his new 2008 C14

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Steve hit it..... I had to explain his tough love to a few people...honored to call him a friend,

to his memory...All the best

Guy do you have a date he passed?

Like Murph, I was honored to call the old "Rascal" a friend.
Have to say that he was one of my favorite AH's.

Rich and I crossed swords on more than one occasion, and most of the time he was right.
Regardless of who was right, I always left the fight (err difference of opinion) wiser.
(Even though I was occasionally limping). 😂

Rest in Pease Buddy.
Pick out the good roads for when we get there.

Ride safe, Ted
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Rich, when he stopped by the house right after he left the dealer with his new C14 - the C14 my wife told me not to come home with after my dealer friend called me at work and said they just got one in.

Steve hit it..... I had to explain his tough love to a few people...honored to call him a friend,

to his memory...All the best

Guy do you have a date he passed?
We all have our flaws, but Rich was a wealth of knowledge and was willing to share it with those that would accept it. When Rich left, it left a big hole. I corresponded with him a bit and always appreciated hearing from him. I've wondered for a long time what had become of him. I still miss Rich. Thanks for sharing the news Guy. It wasn't what I wanted to hear, but at least I know.
As far as COG is concerned, he gave more than he took, and was undervalued because he didn’t hold his tongue. Rich would tell you like he saw it in print or to your face. He was intelligent, helpful, a crotchety b*stard, and didn’t suffer fools. Sad that he left Cog feeling betrayed by a group he had invested himself in and that hurt his heart. Yeah, we were friends. Party on, Rich.
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That was a difficult time to say the least. I don't want to go through that again.
He was almost in remission from lymphoma, when he developed acute myeloid leukemia
This explains a lot. My Dad had the exact same scenario. The drugs they give you to get rid of the lymphoma are what cause the leukemia. They actually told us that. The drugs also caused my dad to become very agitated and difficult to be around, to the extreme. A lot like MOB. I was not a fan but like I said this explains a lot. RIP.
I understood him the moment I read one of his posts way back when, and, I understood him totally when I met him at a NE rally. He spoke truthfully how he felt, for me, that's refreshing as many do not or cannot handle the truth. For me this comes from years of dealing with the truth and how to present it to folks who cannot handle it while working. I will miss him.
Mob and I posted comments in both this and 'the other' forum, often 'directed' at one another. He was an interesting and regularly an abrasive character but his heart was in the right place. I have missed his posts in recent years. RIP MOB.
I understood him the moment I read one of his posts way back when, and, I understood him totally when I met him at a NE rally. He spoke truthfully how he felt, for me, that's refreshing as many do not or cannot handle the truth. For me this comes from years of dealing with the truth and how to present it to folks who cannot handle it while working. I will miss him.
Well said Dave.
RIP Rich. You put up a good fight trying to beat a really nasty cancer. Survival rate for AML at 5 years is 29.5%. It's a tough one to beat and the treatments don't add to one's quality of life.

Rich was one of the good guys and he meant well. Yes, he could be a bit cranky, but who isn't. He was good at facilitating discussion and expressing his opinions. That's the way things should be. He will be missed.
When I hit the deer and totaled my C-10, #2, the last night of the VA Natural Bridge Spring Fling (2008?), Rich was the only one to help me the next morning figure out how I was going to get home to New Jersey. He drove me up to Lexington so I could rent a van, lent me tie down straps and helped me load #2 into the van and tie it down for the trip home. RIP Rich! 😢