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1990 Connie, well farkled, NYC area, $2700

Friend asked me to post this and he is thinking of selling the bike. The bike is currently in my possession and I am giving her a full tuneup and installing a stereo and some 12v outlets.

It has the following farkles.

26" Ceel Baileys shield
Murphs bugeye auxiliary light mounts with Hella FF50 lights.
Larry Buck dash shelf
Headlight guard
Bar risers, I think they are 1.5 or 2"
Cruise control
GIVI trunk with additional GIVI top rack and backrest
Reinforced subframe
Tipover bars (these may have been thrown out by an overzealous super)
Stainless steel brake\clutch cables
Upgraded front suspension (Progressive I think)
New head and wheel bearings
OEM and Clymer service manuals.
The auxiliary fuel cell will be removed before sale.

There might be a few things I'm missing.

Bike is located in the NYC area, reasonably delivery can be arranged. Hell, if it means a free trip I'd ride it to anywhere in the lower 48 states for cost and return airfare.

Here are some pictures, there are a few extra stickers on the bags right now.